Because heating and lighting are essential in a terrarium, the quest for the best UVB bulbs for Tortoise Is triggered by reptile parents who seek high quality and an overall great health for their shell friend.
The day-to-day activity for reptiles and other living things are somewhat affected by the sun. Sunlight on the other hand, will not just help you feel warm and happy, but will provide them with the necessary vitamins as well.
The same goes for your pet. For example, Tortoises, do not have a wall clock on their enclosure to keep their schedule on. Typically, they rely on lighting to stay on track.
Without proper lighting and heating, tortoises and other reptiles like bearded dragons may undergo high stress and other health issues, or worse, their body reacts in a negative way.

Fortunately, this issue is not hard to solve. Giving proper lighting and heating with the aid of a UVB bulb for your tortoise is as essential as offering food and water.
But, selecting the best UVB for your tortoise can be a challenging experience because of the many available options on the market today.
Now, if you’re frequently on the market and not sure which is the right bulb that meets your tortoise needs, no worries, we’re here to guide you. Here we have compiled a list of the 10 best UVB lights for tortoise where you can choose from.
What is UVB Light?
UVB lights are vital for the correct metabolism of calcium. Aside that, they also control the production of vitamins D3 in the skin of reptiles such as tortoises.
For most reptiles, UVB lights are their primary sources of vitamin D3. As a matter of fact, lack of UVB lights may possibly lead to severe calcium deficiency resulting in painful illnesses such as metabolic bone disease.
Best UVB Bulb for Tortoise: Top Picks for 2021
Reptizoo Energy Saving Lamps
The Reptizoo energy saving UVB can be used for one-year, 6 to 8 hours per day. Plus, it offers essential UVB rays which are ideal for optimal calcium metabolism.
It’s no wonder it is rated #1 on the best UVB bulbs for Tortoise. It’s also works great for frilled lizards and other desert reptiles as well.
Nevertheless, if this UVB bulb is installed properly and utilize on regular basis, the life of this item will be long enough. Also, make sure that distance between your pet and the lamp is 30cm to 50cm.
Lucky Herp Desert UVB Reptile Light Bulb (26W)
Based on experience, this UVB bulb is perfect desert dwelling reptiles including leopard gecko, tortoise, and other species of lizards.
The good news is that, this 10.0 UVB light is extremely beneficial for reptiles as it gives off vitamin D3 and calcium. It also reverses or prevents metabolic bone illness. Moreover, its 30 percent UVA output increase natural behaviors such as feeding and mating.
The good thing about the manufacturer of this product is that they offer 3 months service for their lamps from the date you bought it.
ReptiSun 10.0 UVB 13W Mini Compact Fluorescent by Zoo Med
Additionally, this mini compact fluorescent lamp uses an exceptional UVB conducting quartz glass for optimum UVB infiltration.
In its regular threaded sockets, there are cool burning fluorescent bulbs (compact) screwed on it. As a matter of fact, this feature will remove the need for separate ballasts.
Lastly, it can be inserted vertically or horizontally in your reptile’s clamp lamp fixture or hood. Either way, the emission of UVB helps is reversing and preventing metabolic bone diseases. Whereas the UVA increases the mating, feeding, as well as other natural behaviors.
UVB Reptile Light Bulb 10.0 (13W) by CONOMOYPET
The CONOMOYPET UVB Reptile Bulb 10.0 has a brilliant UVB output. As a matter of fact, its quartz glass material is contributing to UVB wavelength saturation. Apart from that, it offers essential UVB rays for maximum calcium metabolism. Plus, helps preclude metabolic bone diseases.
Like other bulbs on this list, it is cost effective and doesn’t use up much power. It’s a perfect condenser, and gives off brilliant brightness.
Plus, this particular UVB bulb helps in simulating a natural desert environment, making it perfect for desert reptiles.
In actual reality, its vapor bulb offers animal’s warmth as well as vitamins that are essential for their health.
Furthermore, this bulb is best suited for tortoises, toads, frogs, bearded dragons, lizards, chameleons, geckos, iguanas, turtles, pythons, rosy boa, and other snakes.
In fact, it this product known as one of the best reptile bulbs today.
The Lucky Herp UVB lamp is compatible with various types of enclosures such as terrariums, tanks, cages, and terrariums. Plus, it’s ideal for those who are looking for reptile UVB bulb and UVB light.
18 Inches UVB Fluorescent Bulb by Zilla
One of the best things about this product is that it offers UVB lights which tortoise need in order to metabolize needed calcium. When it comes to the reptile’s bone health, the extra mount of UVB light delivered by this fluorescent bulb is vital as proper water and food for long-term strength.
Moreover, it offers needed and enough UVA light. Whereas, its visible-spectrum lighting makes the tortoise’s skin color more presentable and glowing. To make sure proper UVB levels, you need to change it every twelve months. Either way, your reptile can use it for an average of 3500 hours only.
PROKTH E27 UVB Lamp for Reptiles
The PROKTH E27 UVB Lamp is ideal for both tropical and subtropical reptiles. As a matter of fact, it can also rouse the reproduction of reptiles and amphibians
One of the best things that set this UVB bulb from other models is that it can change the sunlight completely. Furthermore, it offers the needed UVB rays so that your tortoise and other reptiles such as turtle, insect, and lizard will be able to get the finest calcium metabolism.
Mega-Ray Mercury Vapor Bulb – 160 Watts
This bulb gives off heat, UVB, light, and UVA. On the other hand, using the Mercury Vapor UVA/UVB bulb is one of the most effective ways of simulating natural heat and sunlight.
However, the simulation doesn’t only offer ideal levels for optimal health; it has life-saving benefits as well. Moreover, this bulb can ray UV up to three feet. Aside from tortoises, it is also highly recommended for:
- Tortoises
- Bearded dragons
- Turtles
- Snakes
- Lizards
- Frogs
- Iguanas
- Toads
Best UVB Bulb for Sulcata Tortoise
The best UVB bulb for Sulcata tortoise is Zoo Med’s REPTISUN® linear and Compact Fluorescent Lamps are a great choice for providing UVB. The PowerSun® is an excellent way to provide both UVB and Heat all in one lamp!
UVB Lighting should be left on for 10-12 hours a day and turned off at night. Supplemental UVB lighting is not necessary if the tortoise is to be housed outdoors and has access to unfiltered natural sunlight.
More on the Sulcata Tortoise Breed:
- Common Name: Sulcata Tortoise
- Scientific Name: Geochelone Sulcata
- Distribution: Throughout southern and eastern Africa
- Size:15-30”+, 70-100+ pounds
- Life Span: up to 100+ years
Sulcata tortoises are pretty specie of large tortoise found throughout southern and eastern Africa. Sulcata tortoises are a great choice for an intermediate to advanced tortoise keeper but should be totally avoided by beginners.
Of all larger species of tortoise available, the social and docile nature of the Sulcata tortoise makes it a great choice for keepers that have the space to accommodate their size.
These peaceful tortoises can be kept in small groups and thrive well and still do well when housed together. As with all turtles and tortoises, owning this species is a long-term commitment. Common Name: African Spurred Tortoise, Sulcata Tortoise.

Sulcata tortoises will do best if kept outdoors in temperatures that do not fall below 50°F.
An adult Sulcata tortoise will need at least a space of 80 ft² should you deciden to keep them indoors.
Zoo Med’s Tortoise House™ is an ideal enclosure to house this species as a hatchling and juvenile. The Tortoise House™ can be taken outdoors to provide natural sunlight when temperatures permit.
Zoo Med’s Tortoise Play Pen™ is an excellent way to occasionally offer natural sunlight and grazing opportunities to your tortoise if being kept indoors. A Sulcata tortoise will eventually outgrow both of these enclosures as it matures.
Daytime Terrarium Temperature: 75-90°F
Zoo Med’s Basking Spot Lamp™, Repti Halogen™, Ceramic Heat Emitter, and ReptiTherm™ Under Tank Heater are good choices for heating Tortoise enclosures.
The ReptiTherm® Habitat Heater is a great way of offering large tortoises heat, as well as heating outdoor ‘tortoise houses’.
Basking Spot: 93-96°F
Nighttime Temperature: 60-75°F
Sulcata tortoises live in arid places in the wild and will do well on various dry substrates in captivity. Forest Floor™, Eco Earth® and ReptiSand® can all be used as substrates.
It is vital to offer your tortoise both humid and dry areas within their enclosure. This species will readily take refuge underground where temperatures are cooler and humidity is higher.
Always offer a humid hide-box, or a humidity chamber that your tortoise can fit completely into. New Zealand Sphagnum Moss or Eco Earth® can be used to hold moisture.
Create the optimum substrate mix with 1/3 Zoo Med’s Forest Floor®, 1/3 Zoo Med’s Eco Earth®, and 1/3 Zoo Med’s ReptiSand® or REPTIFRESH®.
We recommend providing a deep( 4+”) of substrate to allow your tortoise to burrow.
Sulcata Tortoises require a high fiber, low protein diet rich in calcium.
It is important to supplement your tortoise’s diet with Repti Calcium™ and ReptiVite™ as directed to provide balanced nutrition.
Other quality foods for your tortoise: clover, grasses, kale, romaine lettuce, rose petals, hibiscus leaves and flowers, alfalfa, hay, red leaf lettuce, and sow thistle to name a few.
Warning: Be sure that any natural grasses or plants offered have not been treated with pesticides or other chemicals.
Fruits should only be offered on occasion and should make up less than 5% of the total diet. Cantaloupe, strawberries, apples and other non-citrus fruits will be accepted. Zoo Med’s Fruit-Mix-Ins™ can be mixed into pelleted foods to add variety to the diet.
Zoo Med’s Grassland Tortoise Food™ is an excellent choice of maintenance diet because it offers long stem grasses that are similar to foods available in the wild.
Sulcata tortoises will drink standing water out of a water bowl. Provide fresh water every day. Zoo Med’s Repti-Ramp™ Bowl makes an ideal water dish that allows your tortoise easy access to fresh water.
Treat all water with ReptiSafe™ water conditioner to remove any harmful chemicals from tap water.
Things to Remember When Using A UVB Lamp or Light
UVB lights from bulbs actually lose their intensity more quickly if they are positioned away from your pet. With that said, a UVB bulb must be placed 12 to 15 inches above your pet. Also, make sure that it’s not over 18 inches.
UVB, on the other hand, can’t penetrate over a glass over a glass material and it can be blocked with a fine mesh partially.
Therefore, do not place a glass over the cage between the bulb and animal. But, if you really need a mesh top to stop escapes you can go for a type that has a bigger type.
Nevertheless, the majority of the UVB bulbs today are specially created so that UVB will pass over the glass.
When buying a UVB bulb, consider the amount of UVB it emits if necessary. But, most species need a bulb that produces three to 4 percent of UVB.
A UVB bulb doesn’t last forever. In fact, after a couple of usage, their output will begin to decrease. Thus, you need to replace it every 10 to 12 months. Bear in mind that it’s one of the continuing costs of keeping a tortoise.
How long should a Tortoise Lamp be on
You can keep it on until nightfall. Your pet will need to get some sleep during that time
What wattage UVB bulb for a tortoise is Good?
Depending on your room and country’s temperature. 13, 75 to 200 Watts is fine.
How Long Does a Tortoise need a heat lamp
From 8- 18 hours
Bad news is that UVB lamps or bulbs are the most commonly overlooked part of a tortoise’s habiat. As a matter of fact, without these lightings, your tortoise may possibly develop a metabolic bone illness, become lethargic, have a lack of appetite, and won’t be able to synthesize Vitamin D.
Therefore, if you have a tortoise or planning to own one, it’s important that you should buy the best UVB bulb. Because if you didn’t you are putting the life of your pet in danger.
Either way, choosing the best UVB bulbs for Tortoise doesn’t have to be hard, by simply considering some important factors you will definitely end up with the best product. Nevertheless, if you are looking for a high quality, top, long-lasting and produces adequate UVB bulb, check out our list of best UVB bulb for Sulcata Tortoise and 10 best UVB bulbs for tortoise above.
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