Superworms for bearded dragons are amongst the most affordable best worms for bearded dragons you can buy in the market right now.
Aside super worms; there are lots of other worms you can feed your dragon. Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles and will eat fruits, insects, worms, and vegetables.
Some adult dragons might also consume pinky-sized mice, baby lizards, and anything that may look tasty to them.
Here is a list of some of the best worms that you can feed your pet lizard and with other additional food items other than worms.
Bearded Dragon Feeding by Age
Before I list down the Best Worms for Bearded Dragons I will first discuss the best bearded dragon feeding chart by age that ensures proper feeding so you can avoid obesity and health issues.
For One Year Old and Above
30% insect’s ad 70% salad is the recommended diet for beardies that are more than a year old. That means, you should feed it more often with veggies and fruits and lesser insects.
When it comes to insects, they should be fed with at least 50 crickets or roaches a week or at least 30 worms a week.
It is true that roaches are one of the best bugs for bearded dragons.
Here’s a recommended feeding schedule: One day should only consist of veggies and fruits, one day of insects or worms, and one day of nothing.
For Less Than a Year Old
For juvenile bearded dragons, its normal diet should comprise of 30% salad and 70% of insects. The complete opposite of the recommended amount of food given for the adults.
The recommended amount of worms or insects should be at least 30 to 50 pieces a day. Make sure that the sizes you feed them with should be smaller than the space between the young bearded dragon’s eyes.
Young beardies that are older than 3 months should be fed at least 3 to 5 times a day. And for those that are at least 3 to 8 months old should be fed twice a day. And above 8 months old, they should only be fed once a day.
The older the bearded dragon gets, the more prone they become to obesity. Discover more about the best diet for Bearded Dragons.
If you do not have time to prepare a fancy meal for your beardie. Pick from a number of canned and processed products available. It is a full and balanced source of nutrition for your Bearder Dragon.
Best Worms for Bearded Dragons
As most of us know, reptiles like bearded dragons will just eat any kind of moving insects that they can find. However, when it comes to people that own a reptile as a pet like you, should be responsible enough to make sure that their pets only eat safe bugs.
Butter Worms For Bearded Dragons
The calcium content sits at 100 grams or 43 mg. This makes butter worms for bearded dragons great for them.
A lot of owners commonly refrigerate the worms before feeding it to their repti-friend. Gut loading these worms isn’t really necessary since they are already rich in calcium. But if you still prefer to gut load them, wood food like tebo trees are good.
Hornworms For Bearded Dragons
They are large soft-bodied caterpillars and are quite similar to silkworms but these worms have a bright green color.
The worms can quickly grow for up to 4 inches long. The green bright color can be a great stimulant of food response for those fussy eaters and reptiles who are fasting for a cause.
This kind of worm is a good feeding source for your pets since it’ll hydrate and give them the nutrition they’ll need. Its nutritional contents consist of – 3.07 % Fat, 46.4mg/100mg of Calcium, 85% of Moisture, and 9% Protein.
Many reptile owners feed this a s treat for their pet in place of a staple food since these worms cost more than other feeding worms.
This is also not advised to serve as a staple food of the reptile since it can cause obesity and a poor growth rate.
However, it can still be fed to your pets on occasions since it is still a very tasty treat for them. They may also lead them to get addicted to its taste. Mealworms should ONLY be fed to adult bearded dragons because the skin of the larvae is too hard for young and baby beardies.
Superworms for bearded Dragons
Superworms have higher protein content (20%) and less fat (13%). They are just as tasty as other feeding worms but also with a lower ratio of calcium content (1:25).
But, like mealworms. Superworms should only be fed on occasions, and as a recommendation, both superworms and mealworms should only be fed once a week.
The right length of worm that is to be fed to juvenile beardies should be around 1.2 to 2cm long, while for adult beardies it should be 3.8 to 6.3cm long.
Phoenix Worms
Like superworms for bearded dragons, phoenix worms are good for both young and adult beardies; you should a higher count of worms for the adults since the worms are quite small for older beardies.
Because the worms have a low-fat content, they can serve as staple food for your little reptile’s diet. Plus, these worms don’t need to be gut loaded and can be readily eaten by your pet as soon as you take them home.
Silk worms are economical, convenient and carry the needed nutrition for your pet.
Silkworms are also the best choice of a staple food for your bearded dragon, they have low-fat content and top nutritional value.
They have the high source and perfect balance of vitamins B1, B2, B3, Sodium, magnesium, iron, and calcium.
Juvenile bearded dragon diet can comprise of this too as far as it’s no longer than the space between its eyes. They are soft, have a good taste, and easier to catch since they are worms and worms are slow movers and do not jump.
Wax Worms
Wax worms also have a soft body and can grow for up to 1 inch long.
I forgot to mention earlier that worms with high-fat contents are a favorite of bearded dragons, but even if they are said to be one of the best worm feeders they can only be given as treats because it can be bad for the pogona’s health if fed constantly.
Because of its big size, It can only be given as treats because it can be bad for the reptile’s health if given constantly.
Dragonfly Larvae
Live bugs are excellent for your reptiles, but canned bugs can also be great food alternatives.
Canned bugs like dragonfly larvae can also offer the same ratio of nutrition that lives bugs can give. It contains high quality of ingredients like fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates.
Red Wigglers/Redworms
Since worms like these are too long, some pet owners cut it into half just so the reptile won’t be a problem in consuming it.
Same for other worms, this one should be fed on occasions.
NOTE: don’t buy redworms that will be used as baits. Ask the seller for the ones that are good for reptiles.
Zilla Mealworm Munchies
A lot of owners prefer to feed this to their pets as snacks since they mostly prefer the live ones. However, this is also one of the best foods that you can feed to your pet beardie.
And these are the best worms that can be fed to your pet dragon. Aside from mealworms, hornworms, silkworms, phoenix worms, butter worms, super worms and wax worms. Insects like cockroaches, locusts, crickets, and roaches are also good feeders for them. Especially roaches.
Staple Vegetables for Bearded Dragons
There are over 50 types of vegetables that can be consumed safely by your beardies. However, I would only list down half of them that can be stapled to your pet’s diet.
These are the most common staple veggies that you can feed your pet with:
Fruits that Bearded Dragons Can Eat
As earlier stated in the best worms for bearded dragons article, beardies can also eat a bunch of different kind of fruits.
These reptiles are omnivorous, meaning fruits are also included in their diet.
Here’s a list of fruits that are safe to be eaten by your bearded dragon:
- Apricot
- Apples
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Cherries
- Chayote
- Cranberries
- Dates
- Figs
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Guava
- Mangos
- Melon
- Nectarine
- Papayas
- Peaches
- Pears
- Pineapples
- Plum
- Prunes
- Raisins
- Strawberries
- Kiwi
- Watermelon
Plants that are Safe for Your Pet
You can also feed your pet with a couple of types of plants also, but on occasions.
Here are some lists of safe plants:
- Basil
- Carnations
- Chives
- Clover
- Dandelion Greens
- Daylilies
- Fresh Thyme
- Fresh Rosemary
- Impatiens
- Maple Leaves
- Mint Leaves
- Oregano
- Rose Petals
- Sage
Now, you know about all edible plants for your pet. Let’s look at foods that are bad for your beardie.
Fruits that Bearded Foods that Should Be Avoided
Your reptiles can consume anything, but not everything is safe and can be dangerous for them when eaten. So, to ensure that your pet is always healthy and stays on its original diet, make sure that it doesn’t eat the things that are listed below:
Worms or Insects that You Caught Outside
It’s honestly not a great idea to feed your bearded dragon with insects that you just caught outside or from your backyard.
Those worms or insects might probably have parasites in them and have been exposed to pesticides or insecticides, which can be bad for your pet’s health.
Not all fruits are safe to be taken in by your pet. Avocados are harmful to them and can be deadly when eaten, not only for your bearded dragon but also for birds.
Glowing Insects
All insects that can glow in the dark, for instance, fireflies, can be deadly for both juveniles and adult bearded dragons.
Glowing insects may look beautiful and tasty for your pets, but they do not so avoid feeding it to them.
Spinach may be healthy but because calcium easily sticks onto it, it can hard for te bearded dragon to ingest it. Avoid feeding spinach to your pet too.
Every plant that contains the word “lettuce” in its name should be avoided. Lettuces have a lot of water and it is not very nutritious for the reptiles.
Foods and Plants that are Poisonous for Your Bearded Dragon
Highlighted below are foods from veterinarians that should be avoided because of the plant’s toxicity:
- Buttercup
- Boxwood
- Elderberry
- Hydrangea
- Holly
- Ivy
- Iris
- Juniper
- Jack-In-The-Pulpit
- Rhododendron
- Oak
- Mistletoe
- Poison Ivy
- Poison Oak
- Poinsettia
- Poison Sumac
- Tobacco
- Wild Daffodil
- Water Hemlock
- Tulip
All of these should be avoided for the sake for the sake of your pet’s health. Not only can they harm your pet, they can also be lethal to them.
What is the Best Worm To Feed A Bearded Dragon?
The Best Insects to Feed Bearded Dragons
- Dubia Roaches
- Goliath Worms
- Phoenix Worms
- Butterworms
- Earthworms
- Wax Worms
- Mealworms
- Crickets
Are Superworms Good For Bearded Dragons?
Bearded dragons will eat both superworms and mealworms. So, feed them appropriately sized insecst a and watch them flourish.
Are Mealworms Good For Bearded Dragons?
Do not feed more than 3x a day but you should change your dragon’s diet, feeding various foods on other days. Wax moths, crickets, mealworms, and superworms are good food source. Mealworms, however, are hard for bearded dragons to digest so they are not a good staple food. They make a good treat.
Are Hornworms Good For Bearded Dragons?
Bearded dragons can eat butter worms, crickets, earthworms, hornworms, mealworms, silkworms, superworms, wax worms, Phoenix worms, and roaches. Be wary of the size of the insects you feed them.
These reptiles are really easy to take care of and prove to be easy pets to care for. They don’t get too large, can eat different type of food (although some may be picky eaters), you can play with them during the day (if the reptile trust you enough), and gentle.
They don’t cost a lot and doesn’t need a lot of caring items. These animals are friendly and can be a great addition to your family.
Remember, to follow diet schedule for superworms for bearded dragons and best worms for bearded dragons when feeding.
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