Once, twice, a hundred or more, now you need good facts and advice. So how do you set about choosing the best dog breed to stop making one of the biggest mistakes of your life?
Which is the best dog breed for me and my children? This site is about helping you come to an informed decision, by being honest and giving you all the information you will need about the plusses and minuses of the many, different types of dogs.
These may be reasons for wanting a dog:
- I want a dog that will be good with my family.
- I want a dog that is good with children.
- I want a dog that will not break the bank.
- I want a dog suitable for a small apartment.
- I want a dog for guarding my property.
- I want a dog for hunting.
- I want the best dog breed for a companion.
- ……..etc
We all have our different reasons for deciding, which is the best dog breed for me and my family, and some are very complex. But whatever the motivation the process of owning a dog is very important and more so from the point of view of the canine.
Owning and looking after any animal is never straight forward so the more informed you are beforehand the better it will be for you and your pooch.
Making the wrong choice can be disastrous for everyone concerned. I have seen families on the point of breaking up because of choosing the wrong dog. Which has serious implications for the family.
Here are a few things that can go wrong:
- It can cause friction with your partner.
- Leave you virtually broke. (Vets bills, food etc)
- Destroy the inside of your home.
- Leave you with claims for damage to other peoples property (Biting dogs and humans)
- Dig up your back yard.
- Cause a nuisance by always barking.
- Early death by not checking the dogs history for inherited disease before buying.
- Be unsuitable for being around children or pets.
There are many more but I think you get the message that taking your time in picking the best dog breed for you and not buying a puppy or dog on a whim is important. Asking questions about a particular breed to a breeder is good business and any reputable breeder will answer everyone.
Asking, which best dog breed is suitable for me depends on:
- How big is your house?
- How much time have you got to look after it?
- How much exercise will it get?
- How much experience have you of looking after canines?
- Can you afford the food and veterinary bills if your pet is sick?
- How large is your family and what age group?
- Have you an area big enough to exercise your dog?
- etc………..
The list can be endless. Many people when buying a puppy instantly fall in love with the cute bundle of fur in front of them and never giving a thought to the final size, weight, veterinary needs, exercise,etc. With the recession still in full flow it’s now even more important to check the type of dog breed you want before you buy. To prevent future nightmares always ask experts, breeders, other dog owners, and read books on the subject when picking the best dog breed for me,
- So please just for the dogs sake take your time and choose wisely when investigating the best dog breed for families and the one that suits your lifestyle. When choosing a wife or partner you wouldn’t go for the first one you see. You would need to learn more about them and that applies to all dogs. Whether you buy an older or younger type of dog please, learn as much as you can about the subject before you buy.
- A dog is for life and that can mean up to 15 years of commitment.
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