There are many reasons we think dogs are superior to we humans and below is a short list. This time its the women turn. So here goes on dogs and women:
- Dogs like having your friends over and don’t mind at all.
- When you’ve had too much to drink dogs think its okay.
- If you arrive late the dog doesn’t mind and always gives you a warm reception.
- Dogs don’t mind when you’ve been out with the boys.
- Dogs like plenty of things laid about on the floor and think its fun.
- Dogs never question your relationship with them.
- They like a great deal of affection, even in public places.
- Dogs will not ask you about your relationship with other dogs you previously had.
- They don’t fret if you give their puppies away.
- Dogs respond quickly to a raised voice and accept it as normal.
- Dogs rely on instincts rather than being continually shown.
There we did it on Dogs and men and now its Dogs and Women.
Dogs And Men
Dogs and Men shows that dogs have an advantage over men because of the following reasons.
They never have any trouble showing their feeling in public.
They never criticise their friends.
They admit and show their jealousy.
The don’t feel threatened by the intelligence of their female partner.
They can be trained not to make a mess around the house.
They don’t have mid life crisis.
They don’t care if you haven’t got your make up on.
They are always loyal and faithful.
They can be neutered legally.
They don’t cry at emotional movies.
They don’t play games with your mind.
Some Wrong Reasons For Owning A Dog
- I like the look of that puppy.
- Isn’t he cute I must have one.
- My neighbour has one just like that and she says its wonderful.
- I saw one just like that on that film…
- My friends dog has just had a litter of puppies and wants me to have one.
- I like big dogs.
- I need a dog for company.
- The children would like a dog.
- We have a big garden so we can get a big dog.
- Dogs don’t really need walking everyday, do they?
- It doesn’t really matter what breed of dog I get they are all the same.
It does matter as Best Dog Breed For You explains.
Do We Really Care?
The people who care about abandoned dogs come from all walks of life. One of the oldest I came across was a 98 year old retired nurse, who since 1953, has literally found new homes for hundreds of abandoned dogs.
Why are so many dogs abandoned when we are supposed to live in a caring society? And how do we stop it happening? Once again we are back to microchipping all puppies and dogs.
You buy a car you need a license to prove you are the registered owner. So it should be with all dogs then the owners, that abandon their dogs, can be tracked down and fined. Again governments should make it a punishable offence to abandon any animal whether two or four legged.
We say we care but it seems to be only a few brave souls that really do. It’s easier to give money to these animal shelters than become directly involved with practical help and many would welcome unpaid staff to ease the burden that they often find themselves under.
To Microchip or not?
If you love your dog and need to protect it from kidnapping ( yes kidnapping of certain breeds of dogs is on the increase) or straying, then microchipping is an essential requirement. Ask yourself, why would any responsible dog owner not want their dog chipping?
Could one reason be that if a stray dog is found then the owner can be traced. But what if that particular owner does not want to be traced and has dumped the dog as an easy way of getting rid.
Compulsory microchipping has to become the norm if we, as animal lovers, want to protect all animals from irresponsible owners.
Only the governments of each country can make the law. If the dog produced oil for use as gasoline then it would be passed overnight.
Do we have to wait until there are hundreds more stray dogs on the streets of our towns and cities causing a danger to our children.
What do you think?
Diabetes in Dogs, What Types Of Diabetes are There?
One reason that diabetes in dogs has become more common is that Dogs are living longer.
As with Humans Obesity Is a Significant Risk Factor For the Development of Diabetes.
Symptoms include:
- Excessive water drinking
- Weight loss even with an increased appetite.
- Cloudy eyes
- Recurring infections on skin and internal.
The Maximum Age For All Dogs?
With better nutrition and protection from many serious diseases domesticated dogs have a better and more pain free life than in the wild where many predators would kill them when they became weakened by old age and disease.
It is estimated that the life span of a dog would be 27 Years if everything were normal like freedom from illness and the degenerating diseases that dogs now suffer from. There is also another cause. As not many dogs live to be 18 Years old and the average age of all breeds of dog is around 13 Years. Cross breeding of separate strains to achieve new breeds of dogs has been given as one possible explanation why dogs cannot achieve the magical 27 Years.
What do you Think?
Cooking For Your Dog
Many dog owners decide to cook their own dog food, but it is not as easy as just mixing some ingredients and feeding it to your pooch. Over the counter dog food is nutritionally balanced to give the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and starches including the right amount of minerals and vitamins.
Home cooked does not have the resources to analyse every ingredient. So the best advice to start cooking and preparing your own dog food is to stick to only preparing a small amount to begin with and follow recipes which have been tried and tested.
Once you have prepared a few home cooked dog meals you will begin to understand your dog and its nutritional needs better. Experiment with different ingredients and stick to the normal make up of 40% Meat 40% Carbohydrates and 30% Starch
Health Risks From Dogs
The main danger to human health in dog faeces is a roundworm (Toxocara Canis) which lives, harmlessly, in dogs but can be of severe danger to humans. There can be as much as 15,000 eggs in just one gram of dog poo. It can also be spread through other channels because they can survive in the soil for up to three years.
Always thoroughly wash all vegetables, and produce grown from land where you suspect dogs have been.
So please clean up thoroughly after your dog in public places. Worm your dogs regularly and try and keep our public places, where children play, free from these dangers. You never know it might be your child that accidentally picks up the life threatening infection.
How do Ticks And People Get Along?
Unfortunately humans are susceptible to many of tick-borne diseases that affect dogs. Nearly everyone has heard of Lyme disease. You can’t catch tick-borne diseases directly from your pet, but you can be bitten by the same ticks.
If you have been out walking in the woods or long grass and later your dog shows any signs of illness, such as a rash the shape of a bulls eye, joint pain, high temperature, tiredness later then it may be Lyme disease. It needs quick veterinary attention.
If your pet dog has contracted Lyme disease you may also be exposed by touching a tick’s blood while removing the parasite from your pet. Also you may have picked up the ticks when out walking and the disease in humans is always more difficult to diagnose.
So be careful and check your clothing and your pet on returning from a walk and wear protective gloves better to be safe than sorry. Being aware is being savvy.
Why Do Dogs Lick Your Hand?
Not something you would normally think about
Some people say its a sign of affection, but I am not so sure. Watching a dog as he or she licks is a revelation in its self. Sometimes they are casual in their licking and other times they seem to be overly stressed as if you have salt from sweat or blood from a cut on your hand.
I think we come back to the pack leader syndrome where, the normal licking of your hand is a form of submission and he is keeping the relationship with the pack leader (you) intact. Others may have a different view as many dog lovers think that a dog thinks like we do and has the same feelings as us. They don’t a dog is an animal and they think like all animals with the survival instinct built in as part of their make up.
I know dogs are a bonus to we humans and offer a wonderful contribution to make our lives less stressful if we let them.
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