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Ear mite in dogs home remedy is the perfect solution for you if you are looking for how to kill and how to prevent ear mites in dogs.
These pesky things cause itchy aggravation for puppies and their people. The parasite also can travel outside of the pup’s body, making it very contagious to other pets in the home.
If one pet has ear mites, all of the other animals like rabbits, ferret friends, rabbits, cats and other dogs also need treatment.
Your veterinarian can help after diagnosing the mite, but that can become quite expensive, so it’s also helpful to learn how you can medicate your puppy.
Here’s how to cut cost by following all of our ear mite in dogs home remedy.
Ear Mite in Dogs Home Remedy Medications
Treat the ears of your dog by flushing away the mites and debris using an insecticide similar to that used in flea treatments.
The medication is often suspended in a bland medium, like mineral oil, which when squirted into the ear, aids in the suffocation of the bugs not murdered outright by the insecticide.
Additionally, the solution also floats debris out of the ear canal as you softly massage the ear base. A couple of commercial products are available for treating ear mites; ask your veterinarian for a recommendation.
Antiseptic Tea Rinse
The first of the many home remedies for ear mites in dogs is Green tea. This is a natural antiseptic that can be used to flush out all ear mite debris – that crumbly brown/black stuff that clogs the puppy’s ear canal.
Steep a tablespoon of green tea leaves in a cup of hot water for 3-4 minutes and then strain it. Let it cool to room temperature before using once a day for a month.
Oil Treatment
The two essential oils for ear mites in dogs are olive oil and almond oils.
Oil helps soothe ore ears and also can float debris out. Oil like olive oil can suffocate the mites. Holistic vets say it doesn’t really matter what kind of oil you use, although most recommend olive or almond oil.
Dog ear mites home remedy olive oil solution will help rid your companion of the unwanted visitors.
Never use tea tree oil though, because it can be dangerous for cats and smaller pets like young puppies. To achieve the greatest results, crush a few garlic cloves in a cup of the oil and let it marinate overnight.
Garlic is a natural bacteria killer that might develop secondary to the mite infection. Remember to remove the garlic before using the oil to treat your puppy’s ears.
You’ll need to treat the ears with the oil/garlic solution daily for at least a month.
How to Treat Ear Mites
Using a commercial product from your pet store or veterinary requires you to treat both ears twice a week for at least 3 weeks.
For ear mite in dogs home remedy solutions, however, you need to treat daily for a month. That’s because eggs will continue to hatch for at least that period of time and can re-infest the ears on a rapid rate.
The vet may recommend antibiotic ointment to treat secondary bacterial infections or steroid medications to soothe inflammation.
The technique is the same whether homemade or commercial treatment.
- Wear old clothe: There is an high chance you are to get the tea, oil or commercial product all over you when the puppy shakes his head.
- Gather your supplies: You’ll need an applicator, clean cloth, the medicine, and treats. Commercial products come in squirt bottles. For homemade products, you can use a squirt bottle or an eye dropper—or try a travel-size toiletry bottle for convenience. A clean dry washcloth helps clean off excess medicine after the treatment.
- Set small pups on a table or counter next to the supplies; kneel beside larger pups. An extra set of hands can be helpful to keep a younger pup from wiggling away.
- Calm your puppy by petting him, rub his itchy ears and speak in a matter of fact voice. Baby talk or “poor thing” types of language can cue him the experience will be unpleasant and you want him to take the treatment in stride. Firmly grasp the pinna (ear flap) with your left hand to expose the opening and keep the pup from shaking his head too soon.
- It works best to clean out all the ear dirt before applying the ear medicine, otherwise, the waxy material might protect the ear mites. Use the tea solution first, and then follow up with the oily medication.
- Drip frequent drops of the liquid into the pup’s ear. The dog’s ear canal is shaped like an “L” and travels down and then inward toward the center of his head. Don’t poke anything into the ears; just drip and let gravity move the liquid where it needs to go; otherwise, you risk hurting the eardrum and damaging the pup’s hearing permanently.
- Massage the base of the medicated ear. It should sound a bit squishy as the liquid moves inside and loosens the debris. When the ears aren’t too sore, puppies like the ear-rubbing massage and will lean into your hand with moans of enjoyment because it helps sooth that deep-seated itch.
- Let go of the pups’s ear and duck as he shakes his head and the debris flies out. Wipe the parts of the ear you can see with a piece of cloth. You may need to do a second application to get all the goop.
- Feed a treat to your puppy for putting up with the treatment. Do the same on the other ear.
- Your puppy will look a bit oily for the duration. To cure that “wet head” look, a puppy bath may be called for at the end of the month-long treatment.
We hope you liked these home remedies for ear mites in dogs. Read on to get answers to other frequently asked questions as regards to home remedy for ear mites in cats and dogs.
How Do You Get Rid Of Mites In Dogs Ears?
Start by cleaning your dog’s ears. This will aid the removal of debris and help sterilize the area, which will then help the ear mite medication work. Squeeze ear mite solution into your dog’s ear canal, tehn massage gently his/her ear using your thumb and forefinger.
Does Vinegar Kill Ear Mites?
Apple cider vinegar for ear mites works when an adult or adolescent ear mite comes in contact with the vinegar. Measure a small amount of white vinegar, approximately 1 tablespoon, and dilute in a bowl with warm water. The vinegar will cause an uncomfortable stinging on contact and will cause your dog pain.
How Do You Know If Your Dog Has Ear Mites Or An Infection?
Your dog may begin to scratch and itch a lot around their ears while shaking their head a lot. An infestation of ear mites can lead to further bacterial infections. Yeast infections may look similar, but your dog’s ears will often have a FUNKY OR Smelly odor.
Does Apple Cider Vinegar Kill Ear Mites In Dogs?
As earlier stated, a small bit of apple cider vinegar in the ears can help with ear infections and itchy ears in dogs. To administer, dilute the apple cider vinegar with some water, just a small capful to about twice as much water, and pour directly into the ear.
Can Peroxide Kill Ear Mites In Dogs?
Hydrogen peroxide ear mites solution can kill all forms of bacteria that cause ear infections. Some vets may not approve your use of hydrogen peroxide to clean dog ears or to treat ear infections.
Can Apple Cider Vinegar Kill Ear Mites?
Some vets recommend using only a 10% solution. If it is too strong and your dog has been scratching a lot because of allergies, ear mites, or some other infection, the vinegar can sting. This method is effective in removing the excess wax.
Does Vaseline kill ear mites?
Vaseline is a useful and excellent way to smother any adult ear mites present. However, Vaseline can actually remove the ear wax, which is their food source. Apart from that, Vaseline has strong moisturizing properties that helps heal ears.
Does Olive Oil kill Ear Mites?
Mineral oil has proven to be better than olive oil for treatment of ear mites in dogs and cats, it can be used to clean the ear and it also kills mites.
You have to saturate the entire inside of the ear, all ear hair, and fur at the base of the ear with warm mineral oil and a cotton ball.
Does Witch Hazel Kill Ear Mites?
Witch hazel is a natural hemostatic product that encourage good blood flow for healthy ears. Powdered boric acid is an insecticide and antiseptic that kills parasites in te ears such as ear mites and fleas
Will Alcohol Kill Ear Mites?
Contrary to popular myth, rubbing alcohol does not alleviate ear problems. Alcohol dries out the ear and can sting, causing more pain inside an already sensitive ear. The treatment drops alleviate your companion infection and pain by suffocating the ear mites.
Is Witch Hazel Good To Clean Dog’s Ears?
Get a cotton ball and a little witch hazel and wipe those ears clean. Check your dog’s ears for indication of infection. If you suspect your pooch has infection, call your vet. Add a few drops of witch hazel directly into the ear canal and massage the base of the ear with your hand.
Does Witch Hazel Cure Ear Infections?
Witch hazel is sometimes used to treat sore throats because they decrease inflammation and act as an astringent. Boiling one teaspoon (5 ml) of witch hazel in one cup (240 ml) of water for about 10 minutes, then gargling with the mixture, may provide relief.
Now that you know how to prevent ear mites in dogs by applying the shared solution on our ear mite in dogs home remedy, kindly comment below your experience or share with family and friends.
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