When your cat prefers other places throughout the house above its cat litter box, you definitely want to address this issue right away.
I have enlisted some simple tips to help your cat stop peeing outside the cat litter box.

Ten Tips To Help Your Cat Peeing Outside Litter Box
Define The Problem
There are 2 possible reasons for your cat’s misbehavior. When cats are marking their territory, they will be spraying inside the house.
While in case of inappropriate urination the cat will be peeing outside the cat litter box and always leave a larger puddle behind.
By understanding the problem, you’ll make it easier to find a good solution.
Address The Problem Quickly
I already mentioned several times before on ecopetlife.com that it’s important for your cat to feel safe. By addressing issues like inappropriate urination quickly, you will bring more structure into your cat’s life.
The goal is of course to have it not happen again.
So you have to make sure that this type of behavior doesn’t become a habit.
Clean The Mess
Clean the places where your cat has been thoroughly? You don’t want the odor your cat left behind to attract it back to that same spot. And of course, I’m sure that you also don’t really like the smell.
Get A Second Cat Litter Box
Normally one cat litter box will do. However, if your cat is able to access more than 1 floor of the house, you’ll probably need to have a litter box on each floor.
By giving the cat easy access to its box, you will lower the chances of your cat peeing outside the cat litter box.
Address The Location Of The Litter Box
Are you sure that your cat finds its way to the box easily? If it’s tucked away somewhere it’s possible that it doesn’t find the litter box.
If your cat keeps urinating on the same spot in the house, you can try putting the litter box on that spot.
Once the cat starts using the box, you could then slowly move it towards the location where you want it to be.
In this article you can find more information on the best places to put your cat litter box.
Try A Different Box
There’s always a chance that your cat simply doesn’t like the box. Maybe it differs too much from what it’s used too? You might consider trying a different cat litter box and see how the cat reacts.
Also don’t forget to keep the cat’s age into consideration.
Older cats won’t always appreciate boxes that are difficult to get into for instance.
Don’t Forget To Clean Your Litter Box
Dirty litter boxes put off cats and that’s one of the main reasons why cats start peeing outside the cat litter box. Imagine that you would have to go to an unflushed toilet.
The same thing counts for cats. Learn more about how and how many times you should clean your litter box here in this post.
Type of Litter
Check the type of litter you are using. Cats don’t like litter that is heavily perfumed. Or maybe you have just changed the type of litter in the box and your cat disagrees with your new preference.
Most cats seem to prefer loose, clumping and unscented litter. Again, this might explain why your cat peeing outside litter box is freaking you out.
Analyse The Social Situation
Maybe something has changed in your cat’s social situation, for instance the introduction of another cat or perhaps even the arrival of a dog in the neighborhood.
In that case it could be possible that your cat is associating using the litter box with some kind of a bad memory.
Consult Your Veterinarian
If inappropriate urination has become an ongoing problem with your cat, you should definitely consult a veterinarian.
The vet will examine your cat to see if there’s a medical problem.
If the problem is not medical, you can then look into possible behavioral or environmental issues.
Your veterinarian could possible also refer you to someone with more (professional) experience in that domain.
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